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Mainland willing to assist with post

Time:2024-06-03 19:15:57 Source:sportViews(143)

The mainland is willing to assist people in Taiwan's Hualien County in carrying out post-earthquake resettlement and other related work, a spokesperson said on Wednesday.

Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said the mainland has been closely following the disaster and its aftermath. A 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit waters off Hualien in Taiwan on April 3.

Zhu voiced wishes that the affected compatriots be safe and sound and that they could manage to rebuild their homes as soon as possible.

Following the earthquake, the office immediately expressed its deep concern and sent condolences to the families of those killed and to the injured, said Zhu, adding that different national and provincial-level organizations and departments as well as universities have sent their condolences, opened special channels to provide relief, and made donations.

The Chinese nation has always had a fine tradition of helping each other in times of trouble. Over the years, in the face of major natural disasters, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have felt the same way and helped each other to tide over difficulties, Zhu noted. 

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